Wednesday, February 06, 2008

after one hell of a midterms

midterms are finally over.
comparing last sem's midterms and this sem's, in terms of the amount of time and preparation that went into my effort to review for it, i find that more was put into last sem's midterms than the current one. it's not that i felt that i was better able to face the long questions that would be appearing before me during the exam, but it was because there was almost no time to make an advance review. like last sem, our civil code professor gave us one week free cut. but the problem is, there was still this burden of constitutional law, wherein sometimes we have to read around two centimeters thick of cases just for an hour of regular class. the wednesday preceding the exam week, instead of just one hour of regular constitutional law class, we had to do another hour of make-up class because we were a little behind. so of course much of our time was devoted to reading cases for that class instead of reviewing for our civil code (obligations and contracts) exam, which was the first exam and the heaviest with 5units. as it turned out, we didn't do the make-up class. in a way, most of us were a bit relieved because that meant there was no chance we would get to be called twice for recitation. but some of us were also thinking that surely, sisingilin kami ni cande. meaning that he will ask for lots of make-up classes. and that meant that there will be days of two-hour or three-hour consti classes. and that would mean having a chance of being called for each hour. scary!!!
back to midterms. it's really weird how i felt so...well...relaxed. during the exams of three major subjects, i even played zuma on my laptop - i had to take breaks in between reviewing. couldn't just sit and review the whole day. had to recharge and focus on other things aside from the impending exam.hahaha. even had time to watch movies to destress. (after the exam of course. wouldn't dare watch before taking the exam.
i will end here, coz a still have a research proposal to do, due day after 2mrw. have a topic in mind, but haven't really read up on it